EBC Missions
Every winter in December, for two consecutive weeks, we open our Church to host our overnight Warming Center for the homeless people in need of shelter from the cold. With the assistance of many volunteers from the community, we provide them a safe place to sleep, eat and stay warm. We also provide donated clothing such as socks, underwear, gloves, and hygiene items.
This Mission is a collaborative effort uniting 7 local churches under the SOWC banner (South Oakland Warming Center). Each church provides a similar shelter to cover a continuous 12-week period.
Our SOWC team of churches work in close unity with the daytime homeless center Welcome Inn, managed by SOCH (South Oakland Citizens for the Homeless). Their daytime guests are bussed to our church for the overnight shelter and return in the morning.
Every December, as Christmas approaches, Emmanuel Bethel needs willing & happy volunteers and manages the registration through our Sign-Up Genius site. Come join us in our Mission of charity!